Grante Pomegranate & Grape Juice- 750ml


The clarified 100% pomegranate-grape juice Grante is produced from the best Azerbaijani pomegranates and selected grape. A perfect mix of pomegranate and grape juices guarantees the marvelous taste of a refreshing pomegranate complemented by a sweety grape aftertaste. The juice mixture, easily digestable, is rich in vitamins C, РР, К, В6 and В12, which are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are helpful at heart diseases, anemia and chronical inflammatory processes. This juice will give you natural energy, vivacity and good mood.

Points: 7 points
555 item(s)

Nutrition Facts per 100 ml serving:

Fat: 0 mg
Carbohydrates: 13 g
Energy: 52 kkal
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Vitamin C: 6 mg
Vitamin B1: 0.03 mg
Vitamin PP: 0.1 mg
K: 180 mg
Ca: 10 mg

Carotene: 0.4 mg


750 ml