Grante Pomegranate & Cherry Juice- 750ml


Pomegranate and cherry juices have a number of health bene¬ts to o er in addition to their great taste. It is a delicious anytime beverage for the entire family. Heart healthy pomegranates are highly treasured as a rich of antioxidants. And Cherries contain high levels of melatonin. Crante pomegranate-cherry juice is good source of potassium and good source of vitamin C, D, and calcium.

Points: 7 points
537 item(s)

Nutrition Facts per 100 ml serving:

Fat: 0 mg
Carbohydrates: 11 g
Energy: 44 kkal
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Vitamin C: 4 mg

K: 175 mg


750 ml