Oregano Spice Powder Organic:100gm

List price: 160
Organic Mexican Oregano Mexican oregano, Lippia graveolens , is a member of the Labiatae family and a close relative of lemon verbena. Mexican oregano is not botanically related to common oregano, and has a more intense flavor. It’s become better known in this country with the increasing...
Points: 2 points
519 item(s)

Organic Mexican Oregano

Mexican oregano, Lippia graveolens, is a member of the Labiatae family and a close relative of lemon verbena. Mexican oregano is not botanically related to common oregano, and has a more intense flavor. It’s become better known in this country with the increasing popularity of Latin, Mexican and South American cuisines. Mexican oregano is typically only used in its dried form.

Indigenous to southern North America (as far north as Texas and New Mexico) and down to southern Central America (as far south as Nicaragua). Our organic Mexican oregano is grown in Mexico.

Mexican oregano has 3% to 4% essential oil, mainly thymol and carvacrol, which is about twice as much as the Mediterranean types.

Oregano is called tawabul (Arabic), Niú zhì (Mandarin), Origan (French), Oregano (German), ajavaayan kee pattee (Hindi), origano (Italian), Oregano (Japanese), orégano (Portuguese), oregano (Russian) and orégano (Spanish). Mexican oregano is also known as Mexican marjoram, Mexican wild sage, oregano Cimmaron, redbrush lippia, scented lippia and scented matgrass.